Site Experiencing Technical Issues

The site is still experiencing technical issues. Efforts are being made to resolve the issues. In the meantime, please use the contact list below, if there are questions about club activities:
Club President            
Club Vice-President   
Service Rifle               
Concealed Carry Training
For general questions

Also, a list of upcoming activities is provided below, to aid in club usage:
Shotgun Group, 9AM to 12PM: Wednesdays and Thursdays
IDPA, None
Coast Guard, 8AM to 4PM: March 10th, 11th, 17th, 18th
High Power, March 22nd and 29th
ExBoard Meeting, 7PM: March 25th
General Members Meeting, 7PM: March 4th
Workday, 9AM: March 8th

Bylaw Amendment Proposal:
Quorum A minimum of 20 members shall constitute a Quorum at any General Membership or Special Meetings. A required quorum of at least 3 Executive Committee members or Board of Director members be present at their meeting to conduct any Club business. The only exception is to vote on new member applicants. A majority of 51% of the General Membership (members) present is required to pass any motions.

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