October 18, 2014
NOAAWIVA Youth Sportsfest Event (10/18/14)
Just for youth -- a safe, fun experience in shooting sports without cost to participants is planned for October 18, 2014. The rain date is November 1. Our Youth Sportsfest Event is open to all girls and boys, ages from 8 to 18.
NOAAWIVA Sportsmen, Inc. is hosting the free event as a community service supported by the Brownell/NRA Day Program. Our range is located on Chincoteague Road (Rt. 175E) near Oak Hall, VA.
Drinks and food will be available free to all attending. Prizes and trophies will be awarded. All required equipment is provided without cost (ex. -- hearing and eye protection, the guns to be used, ammunition and targets). The event begins at 8:30 AM with registration and will end about 3:30 PM. Activities include a shooting safety orientation followed by 20-gauge shotgun/clay-bird, .22-rifle target, air gun target and junior high power rifle competitions. Call George Foster (757-442-7287) or Ray Wimbrow (757-336-1966) for either further information or directions.